Snow Shoes


Spanning sculpture, performance and photography, Jacqueline Bradley is an artist concerned with the layers of meaning, history and experience that intersect in contemporary relationship to the outdoors. Bradley re-makes figurative elements such as coats, scarves and shoes and merges them with unrefined, found materials - boulders, fencing, and earth. Her work reflects the constant shift in scale experienced in the outdoors, moving between immense, as in the two-story ladder dresses commissioned for the National Portrait Gallery in 2017, and intimate, in works combining combs, thimbles and glasses with grass, rock and branch, to be exhibited at the Drill Hall in 2018. Her works draw heavily on experiences of the outdoors in Australia, and are strongly influenced by an interest in gender politics. These pieces are a self-portrait in the landscape; a tangible barrier defining both the artist/wearer and her relationship to the outdoors.


Bradley has exhibited and collaborated with artists and curators in Australia and internationally, and worked with National Parks staff and landscape architects on projects regarding performance in the landscape in Canada and Australia. Significant exhibitions include the 2017 timber and textile installation Climbing Equipment at the National Portrait Gallery of Australia,  finalist in the National Self Portrait Prize (2015) and the European touring exhibition FuturoTextiles (2012 – 14). Significant achievements include winning the inaugural Harris and Hobbs Small Sculpture Prize (2014) and being the recipient of the CAPO Rosalie Gascoigne Memorial Award (2014) to continue work developed on residency in Newfoundland.  jacqueline is also a lecturer and has recently completed her Phd at the Australian National University School of Art and Design.

Contact: jacqueline(dot)bradley(at)live(dot)com(dot)au

instagram: @jacquelinebradleyart