Well Equiped
Well Equipped is a sculptural installation made up of three interconnected series of work: Figure in the Landscape, Am I doing this right? and the installation piece, Stand. Figure in the Landscape is comprised of 10 small works joining found, outdoors objects with bodily and functional elements. Am I doing this right is a photographic series of wearable items combined with large, found, outdoors materials, and Stand is a forest-like installation of ladders and fabric.
This exhibition frames the outdoors as a site where complex and pressing issues intersect; issues of history, ecology, colonisation, gender and geology. In these objects I argue for an outdoors that is place-full, rather than located in a site or observed as a placeless phenomena; an outdoors which is separate from landscape, environment or nature, but which engages with the debates and issues inherent in these terms. This installation echoes a shift between intimate and immense, using the single protagonist narrative as a lens through which to observe some of the intersecting and tangled systems that make up the outdoors.
Installation view at ANU School of Art and Design Gallery, 2018. Photograph: Brenton McGeachie

Series 1 - Am I doing this right?

Series 2 - Stand

Series 3 - Figure in the Landscape